Bolt Developer Updates

Keep up to date with Bolt, what we’re actively working on, and what we’re thinking about in the near term.

The Road to Bolt 2.0

Posted 09-26-19

The past few weeks have had some large features in flight and we’re finally seeing them land, so it’s time for another update.


Posted 09-05-19

It’s been two weeks since the last Bolt update and what a two weeks it’s been.

Welcome to GitHub

Posted 08-15-19

Welcome back! The reception to the last developer update was so positive (ie. nobody complained) that we’re back with another one.

Vault, the Target API, and apply_prep

Posted 08-07-19

Welcome to the first ever Bolt developer update! This is a new experiment we’re trying to communicate more directly about what we’re actively working on and what we’re thinking about in the near term.